教會簡史 -- History
鑑於華人移民以及在威郡科技公司服務的人數逐漸增加,李暉牧師在 1977年復活節創立了威郡華人教會。當時的會堂設在白原鎮的美國長老會副堂,在教會初創期我們也得到該會財務上支持。為了宣傳福音及帶領更多華人信主,教會成立了中文學校。這所學校因學生增加而搬至 Scarsdale成為獨立學校,以後發展成為南威中文學校。
1984年經李暉牧師介紹,教會加入第一改革宗派並遷到 Hastings-on-Hudson,租用聚會場所。感謝神的恩典與祝福,威郡華人教會在這風景優美,交通便利的濱河小鎮撒下不少福音的種子,也結下不少佳美的果子。為了附合當初建教宗旨是服務華人社區,帶領華人認識創造宇宙的獨一真神.經大會同意於1986退出改革宗派成為獨立社區教會。
Due to an increasing number of Chinese Americans entering Westchester County, the Chinese Community Church of Westchester was organized by Rev. Philip Li (Li Hei) on Easter Sunday in 1977 for the purpose of fellowship and the propagation of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. As a congregation of believers, we have a strong commitment to bring local Chinese families to Jesus Christ through community care and evangelistic efforts.
CCCW was first located on the second floor of the Presbyterian Church in White Plains, New York. By God’s grace, we received financial support from the Presbyterian Church to help keep us afloat. For the sake of the gospel, a Chinese language School was formed during that time and later it officially became known in 1985 as the Chinese School of South Westchester-not part of CCCW anymore.
CCCW joined the Reformed Church of America in 1984 by the introduction of Rev. Philip Li (Li Hei) and moved into Hastings-on-Hudson where the Reformed Church is located. However, in 1986, CCCW decided to welcome and serve families and individuals of all denomination in our neighborhood in the kingdom of God; we separated from the R.C.A. to become an independent non-denominational church. We have been in our current location for over 20 years.
CCCW continues its commitment to evangelize gospel and to edify the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.